All of our members have been sent our new social distancing guidance for gymnasts and parents for all sessions.
Please read the details below on changes we have made to club sessions to reduce the risk of transmission and to enable us to maintain social distancing.
To start with, the focus will be on building fitness, working basics, and a gradual return to the sport. We’ll have a maximum of 10-12 per class. In September, this might increase to 15 (the current recommendation).
Gymnasts will need to keep 2m apart during sessions for now, rather than the new 1m distance.
Okey Cokey sessions: These sessions will start again in September at the earliest. Okey Cokey children who start school in September will be offered places in our 5-6 year old sessions as soon as spaces become available.
If you/your child have coronavirus symptoms or come into contact with anyone who has tested positive for coronavirus
Text or ring us on 07599 218295 or email as soon as possible so that we can notify others (you’ll remain anonymous). Please follow government advice and isolate yourself for 14 days or longer if your symptoms persist, and do not come to the club.
Unfortunately, we won’t be able to refund you for missed sessions as we have fixed running costs but we will offer make up sessions to anyone who cannot attend due to illness.
If sessions have to be cancelled, we’ll either deduct the amount we owe you from fees next term or offer make up sessions when the club is back to normal.
College gym
Drop off: Please queue under the canopied area as shown in the picture. Waiting areas will be marked with cones set 2m apart. A member of staff will sign children in at the main gym doors. There will be 2m markers on the entrance floor to maintain social distancing.
Pick up: Please queue 2m apart under the canopied walkway outside the gym as shown in the picture. Waiting areas will be marked with cones set 2m apart. We will bring children out via the fire exit to sign them out.
Drop off: Please queue in the corridor outside the sports hall and up to reception if necessary (there will be 2m distance markers on the floor). A member of staff will direct gymnasts to a marker where they need to put their belongings.
Pick up: Children will do their conditioning on one mat each. When they have finished, a member of staff will ask them to get their belongings and queue 2m apart (marked by cones) at the side of the hall as shown in the picture and sign them out.
Please note…
We advise that children, parents and staff wear face masks during pick up and drop off.
Staff will disinfect matting and equipment during group changeovers.
We will do our best to keep strictly to time. If children still need to finish their turns on equipment and others are ready to leave, we’ll sign out the children who are ready.
Social distancing during sessions

On entering the gym/hall, gymnasts will be directed to a marker around the edge of the gym/hall where they can put their belongings. Markers will be set 2m apart. Brothers and sisters who live together can use the same marked area. Children will be allocated one floor mat each for warm up, basics, floor skills and conditioning.
Gymnastics sessions
Floor mats: Floor mats will be set out 2m apart, with a mat allocated to each child per session. These will be disinfected by staff between sessions.
Other equipment: To start with, we’ll use equipment that does not require hand contact or that is easy to clean, such as trampolines, trampettes, springboards and DMTs.
We’ll introduce the air track/sprung track at a later stage to build fitness and leg strength such as for shaped jumps and only introduce skills requiring hand contact when we’re advised it is safe to do so by British Gymnastics. We’ll reintroduce other equipment when we’re advised by British Gymnastics that it is safe to do so.
DMT sessions and use of DMTs, trampettes and springboards at gymnastics
Children will need to stand on spots set 2m apart leading to the run up while they’re waiting for their turn.
Trampolining sessions and use of trampolines at gymnastics
Children will sit or stand on floor markers 2m apart while waiting for their go. Spotters will need to stand 2m apart.
We’ll mark the trampoline frame pads with separate climb up/climb down points for each child to minimise the risk of transmission. These will be cleaned during group changeovers.
Push in mats and end decks will be cleaned after use.
Younger children who would normally be lifted down will be given a platform to climb down onto.
Changes to dress
Face masks: Children can wear face masks for floor skills and conditioning but might be asked to remove them if they’re deemed unsafe.
Gloves: Children can wear disposable gloves on trampolines for low level skills if they wish.
Socks: Gymnasts will need to bring socks to every gymnastics session as we’ll mostly be using trampolines to start with. The club will not be able to lend children socks, so children who don’t bring socks will unfortunately not be able to use the trampolines.
Leotards: Gymnasts will now need to wear leotards to sessions from October. They don’t have to be club leotards. Shorts are optional. If this is an issue, please contact Vicki.
Jewellery: Gymnasts need to come to sessions with their hair already tied up and without jewellery. Earrings that can’t be removed need to be taped before sessions. Coaches won’t be able to do this for them.
Skill supports
For gymnast safety, coaches sometimes need to manually support skills.
To start with, sessions will cover general physical preparation, fitness, and revision of basics so coaches won’t need to support skills. When gymnasts are ready to learn new skills, we will use learning aids wherever possible. We might also use our inflatable pit. Please note the pit cannot be disinfected, so please let Vicki know if you do not wish your child to use it.
Some skills can only be taught with manual support. Children will progress with other skills until we’re advised by British Gymnastics that we can use manual supports. Coaches will wear face masks when supporting and will use waist or wrist supports instead of hand supports.
If you have any concerns, please speak to us or email
Toilet facilities
College gym: As before, children under 6 years old will be taken to the toilet by an assistant who will wait in the gym lobby and ensure children wash their hands for 20 seconds when they come out. Older children will be reminded to wash their hands for 20 seconds before they go.
Parklands: As normal, children under 11 years old will be taken to the toilet by an assistant who will wait in the corridor and ensure children have washed their hands for 20 seconds when they come out of the toilet. Others will be reminded to wash their hands.
We’ll put posters on the gym or toilet door to remind children to wash their hands for 20 seconds.
Registration forms for newcomers
Parents of newcomers can now complete their children’s medical information online before children come to the club.