Our sessions take place at Parklands Leisure Centre, Simmons Park, Okehampton, Devon, EX20 1EP; Holsworthy Leisure Centre, 2 Well Park, Holsworthy, Devon, EX22 6DH and the Okehampton College Gym, Mill Road, Okehampton, Devon, EX20 1PW.
Directions to Okehampton College Gym:
- From Mill Road, turn into Simmons Way, bearing right onto Courtenay Road, which takes you along the back of the college towards the new Pavilion and tennis courts.
!Be aware of the unfenced stream on the left of the lane!
- Half-way down Courtenay Road is a pair of blue gates.
- Turn right through the blue gates and go down the ramp.
- Straight ahead of you is the college sports hall, and down the steps to the right is the college gym.